Alex Noah Vogel


Zodiac Suit Series: My current passion project is to fully illustrate and bring to life an idea that has had space in my mind for several years. I set out to create a totally unique and new take on design elements for a game that has been enjoyed since antiquity. The focus of this project it to meld the established Chinese zodiac animals with design elements inspired by the commonplace and world recognized French version of playing cards. Though it is not common knowledge, the premise and basis for modern playing cards originated in China, but became world recognized after gaining immense popularity in Europe. The history of playing cards is understandably not common knowledge, and it is interesting to see that our perception of things can be shuffled so easily…the details lost, eroded, and refocused to suit whoever is directing the narrative at the time. One of the goals of this project is to educate viewers on the history of playing cards as well as reincorporate a part of the originating countries culture back into the overall design.

The Aristocratic Zodiac Project